Saturday, October 28, 2006

A Very Short Introduction

Guess I'm one of the contributors to this blog, now. Currently, I'm engaged in my own blog, an online forum I'm setting up, an online journal I'm part of (no, not my PW proposal), in addition to my fiction works. All this, in addition to my 'other' stuff, ensures that I won't be a regular contributor to this blog.

Anyone who has read my blogs would know I'm not your everyday blogger, inasmuch as I don't blog a lot about my life. In keeping with this tradition, I'll be posting other things instead; comments on some issues, advertisements, philosophy, astrology, etc. I'll try to leave the heavier stuff to my personal blog, and the more political stuff on the forum/journal, though the lines would blur a lot.

That is all. Watch out for future posts.

PS: My pen name is pronounced 'ley-OWN-he-ORT', with primary stress on 'own', and secondary on 'ort'. It's derived from Middle English, meaning 'Lionheart'. Why I chose this is worthy of another tale...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

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Monday, October 23, 2006

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