Wednesday, August 30, 2006

learning journey

Just a note. The learning journey to forbidden journey has been cancelled.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Learning journey =)

Hey guys. We have to complete a learning journey for this year and I'm supposed to organise it. So if u guys have any ideas on where our class should go, please do feel free to give me an idea . Thanks=)!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

--history students--

-to all history students, pls read pages 95 to 96 and 104 to 109 from history textbook for history class this friday on Indonesia. thanks.

Ikhtia & Xue Wei Posted by Picasa

Ikhtia & Ball Posted by Picasa

Loga quite wet Posted by Picasa

Spray Posted by Picasa

Ahma and Duuckie Ball Posted by Picasa

Exhuastion Posted by Picasa

Anabel Posted by Picasa

Jerold and Anabel Posted by Picasa

YY and Ikhtia Posted by Picasa

Yan Yi Posted by Picasa

Ihktia and Jerold Posted by Picasa

Overwhelmed Posted by Picasa

Ikhtia on See-saw Posted by Picasa

Panic Posted by Picasa

Tall Posted by Picasa

Cheryl Screaming Posted by Picasa

Yan Yi and Mr S Posted by Picasa

Flower Boy Posted by Picasa

Group Photo Posted by Picasa

Group Photo Posted by Picasa

Daoness Posted by Picasa

Xue Wei and Anabel Posted by Picasa

Ahma & Carol......typo error for prev. post "Yan Yi" Posted by Picasa

Siva & Yan Yo Posted by Picasa

Ikhtia Siva & YY Posted by Picasa